WhatsApp channels are a great way to share news and articles with your readers and get more recurring traffic. We believe WhatsApp channels are a great way for publishers to turn their readers into loyal followers.
By getting your readers to follow your WhatsApp channel, you can ensure they are notified of new content and read it straight away. You should ask your readers to turn ON notifications as it is turned OFF by default.
Followers can turn on the notifcations by tapping the Notifcation bell.
WhatsApp channels are a very efficient content distribution method. After all, who doesn't check their WhatsApp!
Read this to learn more about WhatsApp channels.
Setting up a WhatsApp channel is quite straightforward and can be done in a few minutes. You can read the official documentation from WhatsApp on how to create a channel here.
Once you create your channel you can see it on the Channels tab (see image below).
Creating a WhatsApp channel is a good start, but you also need to get your readers to follow your WhatsApp channel. For that, your readers need to know about your channel. You have a couple of ways to do that:
1. Adding a smart bar on your website to inform your readers and giving them a link to follow your channel. Please also ensure to ask your readers to turn ON notifications for your channel so they get notified when you post new articles. Read this to know how to turn ON notifications.
You can add a smart bar from the "Monetizing section" in your CMS
After clicking on Smart Bar you can customize it as shown below
You can get the link to your WhatsApp channel from inside your channel page (see image below)
Once you save the changes, your readers will see a smart bar like the one shown below.
2. Publishing an article to announce your WhatsApp channel and including a link to follow your WhatsApp channel. Please also ensure to ask your readers to turn ON notifications for your channel so they get notified when you post new articles.
Followers can turn on the notifcations by tapping the Notifcation bell.
After you have set up you channels you can easily share updates by going inside your channel. You can read more on how to share updates here.