How to set up Google login

Please follow the steps below to get the Google ID and Secret key to enable google register/ login.

Go to Google Developer Console

Log in with the a Developer account:

Click on the “Create a project” button 

Set the project name with your website name

The organization and Location fields must be set to website name. Example:

Submit the form

You’ll see the added project in the “Select a Project.” popup or on the home page.

After Selecting the project, Go to API & services section

Then Go to the OAuth consent screen

On the OAuth consent screen page, select the “External” option and click Create button.

On the create page 

 The app name field will be your website name

The user Support email field will be the account you logged in with (the google developer account email)

Upload your logo

Then in the App domain section, fill in the Application home page with your website domain with "HTTPS"

Then in Authorized domain 1, you need to add a website domain without the “HTTPS”

Then in the Developer contact information, you add the dev account you logged in with 

Click on Save and Continue buttons.

The next step will be for the scopes, Click on ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES button, you need to check only the first three scopes: (see your primary Google Account email address)

Userinfo.profile (see your personal info, including any personal info you’ve made publicly available)

openid (Associate you with your personal info on google)

Click on Save and continue

You can skip test users

Then Go to Dashboard

Go to the Credentials tab at the left menu on the dashboard.

From CREATE CREDENTIALS button, select  OAuth client ID

Select the wanted application type. 

Set your website name

On the Authorized JavaScript origins section, set URL to be your website URL

On the Authorized redirects URIs section, set URL to be your website URL + /login/google/callback

Submit Create button

Once it’s created, it’ll show you an OAuth client popUp, with: 

  • Your Client ID
  • Your Client Secret 

Copy both generated keys, and go to your CMS > to Settings > to social media tab > Google section. Add them to the two fields (APP ID, and the SECRET KEY)