How to add logos to my website?

This help article will guide you in adding logos to your website, including your main logo, a dark mode compatible logo, a Google AMP logo, a favicon, and a default article image

Where can I find my logos?

Begin by logging into your Newsifier CMS dashboard.

Proceed to Settings > General > Tab 'Logos'. This section is your central hub for uploading and adjusting your website's logos.

Which logos are there within Newsifier?

Below you find a list of the logos that exist in Newsifier.

Main Logo

  • Purpose: This is the main logo of your website that is being displayed in the header of your website.
  • Specifications: Opt for a JPG or PNG format, with PNG being preferable for its support of transparent backgrounds. The minimum size should be 500x100px. For optimal quality across devices, considering using an SVG file.

Dark Logo

  • Purpose: Ensures your logo stands out in night mode.
  • Specifications: Adhere to the main logo specifications but modify the color scheme for better visibility against dark backgrounds.

Google Logo

  • Purpose: Represents your site on Google's AMP pages.
  • Specifications: Required to be in JPG or PNG format, sized at 600x60px. 


  • Purpose: Displays as your website's icon in browser tabs and bookmarks.
  • Specifications: Should be a 512x512px PNG image, ideally without a background.

Default Article Image

  • Purpose: Serves as a placeholder for articles missing a main image, commonly used after content migration.
  • Specifications: A JPG format is preferred, with dimensions set to 1200x800px.