Choosing a domain (WWW or without WWW)

When launching a new website, the choice between using the "www" prefix or not is mostly a matter of personal preference. However, there are some considerations you might take into account:

1. Aesthetics and Branding:

Without "www": Many modern websites, especially those targeting a younger audience, prefer the cleaner look of omitting the "www". It’s concise and easier to remember.

With "www": Some businesses or organizations prefer the traditional look, which can give a sense of authority or trustworthiness to certain audiences.

2. Technical Considerations:

Cookies: Cookies of a non-www domain are sent to all its subdomains, which might not be optimal, especially if you use multiple subdomains (like for static content). Using "www" can help isolate cookies specifically for your main site.

Flexibility: Using "www" allows you more flexibility with DNS because CNAME records can be used with subdomains, whereas an apex domain (like typically requires A or ALIAS records. This distinction can matter if you're using third-party services that require CNAMEs.

Redirection: Whichever you choose, it's advisable to set up a 301 redirect from the non-preferred version to your preferred version. This ensures users reach the right place even if they type the URL incorrectly, and it also consolidates search engine ranking signals to one version of the domain.

3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

Both versions are treated equally by search engines, but consistency is key. Once you decide on a preferred version, stick to it and make sure to tell search engines your preference. For instance, in Google Search Console, you can specify your preferred domain.

As mentioned before, set up a 301 redirect from the non-preferred version to the chosen one. This will consolidate link equity and help search engines understand which version to index.

4. User Perception:

Without "www": For tech-savvy users or a younger demographic, this might appear more modern and clean.

With "www": Some users, especially those less familiar with the internet's evolution, might expect the "www" and consider it more trustworthy.

5. Voice and Mobile Use: When people are giving website addresses verbally or inputting them into mobile devices, shorter is generally better. Omitting "www" can be easier in these cases.

6. Consistency: Whichever you choose, make sure you're consistent across all your branding, marketing materials, and communications.

In Conclusion: There's no definitive right or wrong answer. It boils down to your brand's image, target audience, and technical needs. Just remember to be consistent and set up the necessary redirects to ensure users and search engines are directed to your preferred version.